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About me About me About me About me About me About me About me About me About me About me About me About me
Mikael Andersson ABOUT ME
I was born in 1970 in
Sweden in a small town
called Ängelholm which
is 100km north of Malmö.
It was a relatively quiet
town back then and not
I was born in 1970 in Sweden in a small town
called Ängelholm which is 100km north of
Malmö. It was a relatively quiet town back
then and not too much to do. My interest in
music all started at a very early age because
I remember I liked to sing a lot when I was
too much to do. My interest in music all
started at a very early age because I
remember I liked to sing a lot when I was
home. My mother always liked my singing
and was listening to me while she was
doing the daily things around the house.
When the school started my parents
wanted me to join the class choir but I was
reluctant to do it, because I was very shy.
But they convinced me to face my fears,
so I joined. But my fear was holding me
back, so I sang very quiet so the others
couldn't hear me. I remember when the
music teacher wanted to hear us solo, and
we had to stand there in front of the class,
one by one, and sing a short song while he
was playing the piano. I was so scared and
nervous that my voice broke and I felt that
I wanted to sink through the floor. When
the teacher talked to me afterwards he told
me that singing probably wasn't for me. I
felt really hurt, beacause my parents had
always encouraged me for my ability to
sing. So I started to wonder if they did just
that to protect my feelings? But when I
told my mother what the teacher had told
me she got very angry. So the next day she
went back to school with me to have a talk
with him and she made me sing for him
again, but this time without an audience.
Now I was way more relaxed and I
managed to put up a good performance.
So he realized he had made a mistake by
not seeing how scared I was the day
before and how that effected my singing.
So I could continue in the choir while
trying to build my confidence. Don't get me
wrong, I'm not a George Michael, very far
from it, but I know that I can sing. How
good? That's up to other people to decide.
But at least, I hit the right pitch when I'm
singing. Compare that to some of the
popular artist from the early 90's until
today who needs pitch correction to sound
right. Myself, I only use a pitch correction
plugin as an effect, not because I need it.
So, as a teenager in the 80's I bought my
first home stereo and that started the hifi
nerd in me. I bought as good sounding
equipment I could afford with the little
money I earned by working in the same
factory where my father was working. I
remember beeing quite early in buying my
first CD-player in the 80's. My music taste
is very broad and I can pretty much listen
to any kind of music. But there are two
genres I can't stand, and that is opera and
Swedish "dansbands musik". I've tried to
listen to it, to give it a chance, but it's
impossible for me to like it. What I really
came to like in the early 80's was the disco
and synthpop. I listened quite a lot to italo
disco, and the band Scotch really stands
out in my mind. I´m thinking of bands like
Yazoo, Erasure, Depeche mode and so on.
I also listened to music from Toto, Michael
Jackson, Def Leppard, Europe and many
many more. When songs like Blue
monday, Love spy, Living on video came
out it really inspired me. So I looked more
and more for music that had that type of
sound. That led me to get really interested
in mixing. So I bought a simple mixer and
turntables and started to mix at home by
making different kind of mixtapes.
Eventually through knowing the right
people I got a chance to DJ in a nightclub
in the nearby city of Helsingborg and the
first night went very well. So I enjoyed
doing that for a while, but couldn't help
feeling that something was missing. I
couldn't get satisfaction from just playing
other peoples music. That wasn't enough
for me. I wanted to learn how to make my
own music so I could satisfy my creativity.
So I bought the equipment I needed and
you can see some of it in the picture here.
home. My mother always liked my singing and was listening to
me while she was doing the daily things around the house.
When the school started my parents wanted me to join the
class choir but I was reluctant to do it, because I was very shy.
But they convinced me to face my fears, so I joined. But my
fear was holding me back, so I sang very quiet so the others
couldn't hear me. I remember when the music teacher wanted
to hear us solo, and we had to stand there in front of the class,
one by one, and sing a short song while he was playing the
piano. I was so scared and nervous that my voice broke and I
felt that I wanted to sink through the floor. When the teacher
talked to me afterwards he told me that singing probably
wasn't for me. I felt really hurt, beacause my parents had
always encouraged me for my ability to sing. So I started to
wonder if they did just that to protect my feelings? But when I
told my mother what the teacher had told me she got very
angry. So the next day she went back to school with me to
have a talk with him and she made me sing for him again, but
this time without an audience. Now I was way more relaxed
and I managed to put up a good performance. So he realized
he had made a mistake by not seeing how scared I was the
day before and how that effected my singing. So I could
continue in the choir while trying to build my confidence.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a George Michael, very far from it,
but I know that I can sing. How good? That's up to other
people to decide. But at least, I hit the right pitch when I'm
singing. Compare that to some of the popular artist from the
early 90's until today who needs pitch correction to sound
right. Myself, I only use a pitch correction plugin as an effect,
not because I need it. So, as a teenager in the 80's I bought my
first home stereo and that started the hifi nerd in me. I bought
as good sounding equipment I could afford with the little
money I earned by working in the same factory where my
father was working. I remember beeing quite early in buying
my first CD-player in the 80's. My music taste is very broad
and I can pretty much listen to any kind of music. But there
are two genres I can't stand, and that is opera and Swedish
"dansbands musik". I've tried to listen to it, to give it a chance,
but it's impossible for me to like it. What I really came to like in
the early 80's was the disco and synthpop. I listened quite a lot
to italo disco, and the band Scotch really stands out in my
mind. I´m thinking of bands like Yazoo, Erasure, Depeche
mode and so on. I also listened to music from Toto, Michael
Jackson, Def Leppard, Europe and many many more. When
songs like Blue monday, Love spy, Living on video came out it
really inspired me. So I looked more and more for music that
had that type of sound. That led me to get really interested in
mixing. So I bought a simple mixer and turntables and started
to mix at home by making different kind of mixtapes. Eventu-
ally through knowing the right people I got a chance to DJ in a
nightclub in the nearby city of Helsingborg and the first night
went very well. So I enjoyed doing that for a while, but couldn't
help feeling that something was missing. I couldn't get satis-
faction from just playing other peoples music. That wasn't
enough for me. I wanted to learn how to make my own music
so I could satisfy my creativity. So I bought the equipment I
My equipment from 1988
needed and you
can see some of
it in the picture
here. It have ta-
ken me many ye-
ars to grow eno-
ugh confindence
to finally put my
music out there
in public and put
my selfdoubt to
the side. So I'm
not holding back
anymore. Why
My equipment from 1988
It have taken me many years to grow
enough confindence to finally put my
music out there in public and put my
selfdoubt to the side. So I'm not holding
back anymore. Why keep it to myself?
There will always be people who doesn't
like what you're doing, no matter what.
That's a fact of life! It's simple, if you don't
like it, don't listen to it! But if you do, I will
appreciate it of course! Everything I
produce today you will find on sites like
spotify, Itunes, youtube, Soundcloud and
many more. Just do a search on any of
these sites and you will find me, or follow
the link below. If the music I make today
makes an audience, it would be great of
course, but if it doesn't, it will not change
my passion to create. Now I've been living
in Phuket, Thailand since 2010 and un-
fortunally I need to move back because of
the covid crisis. Before I was working as a
PADI scuba diving instructor, but now
there's no tourists here.

Thank you and take care!
keep it to myself? There will always be people who doesn't like
what you're doing, no matter what. That's a fact of life! It's
simple, if you don't like it, don't listen to it! But if you do, I will
appreciate it of course! Everything I produce today you will
find on sites like spotify, Itunes, youtube, Soundcloud and
many more. Just do a search on any of these sites and you
will find me, or follow the link below. If the music I make today
makes an audience, it would be great of course, but if it
doesn't, it will not change my passion to create. Now I've been
living in Phuket, Thailand since 2010 and unfortunally I need
to move back because of the covid crisis. Before I was
working as a PADI scuba diving instructor, but now there's no
tourists here.

Thank you and take care!
Check out my new music here: